Thursday, March 13, 2014

Putrajaya should appoint one spokesman for MH370 to end babel of voices, says opposition

Source: (BY DIYANA IBRAHIM, 13/3/2014)
The opposition has called on Putrajaya to only appoint one spokesman to speak on the missing MH Flight 370 search and rescue operation after too many officials had issued contradictory statements.
DAP Segambut MP Lim Lip Eng said the many statements had only resulted in a lot of confusion.
"We see the minister, the air force chief and the navy chief issuing conflicting statements. That is why I call on the prime minister to appoint someone who has the credentials in crisis management and who can speak good English to be the spokesman,” he said at a press conference in the Parliament lobby today.
Lim’s call comes as former United States National Transportation Safety Board managing director Peter Goelz said Putrajaya’s handling of the crisis was the worst he had ever seen in disaster management.
"There has been misinformation and corrections from Malaysian authorities on the whereabouts of MH370," Goelz told CNN.
"Did passengers check in but not board the aircraft? How did the two men use the stolen passports to board the aircraft?
"Is the wreckage of MH370 near the last location where their radar was detected?" Goelz asked.
"At best, Malaysian officials have thus far been poor communicators;at worst, they are incompetent," he had said. Use one spokesperson for MH370 issue, says MP

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