Thursday, November 27, 2008

DBKL Joyrides vs Selangor Bus ride

What was DBKL’s weekly activity for the past 33 months up to September 2008?

DBKL has gone overseas for 137 times during that period. Simple calculation would be more than one overseas trip a week!

How much of our money spent on these voyages? RM8,616,794.68!

Where has the richest state in Malaysia, Selangor Pakatan Rakyat state government, been after March election?

A bus ride to Singapore.

Lim Lip Eng

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Lip
Thanks for the information. It is an indication of how our leaders have spent our tax payers' money.
This is a very useful and powerful information. Could you pls make sure that this piece of information is posted in DAP newspaper or Suara Keadilan?. At least it can reach a wider audience and people are able to know how their money is spent
Thanks for the good work