Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Parking touts take over open space

Motorists are charged RM5 for parking by touts at vacant lot in front of Segambut KTM Komuter station. Pic by Sugumaran Suppiah
Source: (By NOEL ACHARIAM | 24/5/2014)
STOP THEM: City Hall urged to monitor open spaces to prevent touts from turning them into illegal parking lots
KUALA LUMPUR: COMMUTERS and residents in Segambut were shocked to find an open space in the area taken over by parking touts recently.
They claimed the touts had started charging motorists RM5 for parking at the vacant lot in front of the Segambut KTM Komuter station.
A resident complained to City Hall, and a tout was apprehended by the police the next day.
The residents are urging City Hall to conduct periodic checks at all open spaces in the city to prevent touts from taking advantage of vacant lots.
Khairuddin Karim, 59 who regularly parks his car at the open space, said he was was taken aback when he was asked to pay RM5 for parking.
"The young man asked for the payment and he even issued a receipt. City Hall shouldn't allow touts to take over public spaces," he said.
Khairuddin said City Hall should place a signboard at the lot to declare it as public space and to warn of action against those who flout the law.
"City Hall enforcement officers must continue to monitor not only this area, but all open spaces in the city to prevent abuse," he said.
Segambut MP Lim Lip Eng said that was not an isolated incident in his constituency.
"Three years ago parking touts took over a piece of vacant land at the back of the Jalan Duta High Court and started charging motorists for parking there.
"We filed a complaint and the touts were apprehended. However, within days, they were back at the site. City Hall should take sterner action against the touts," he said.
As for a signboard at the site, Lim said he would be writing to City Hall to ask that one be erected there.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

3 hari, 3 rusuhan, 3 tempat, tiada tindakan?

TIGA hari berturut-turut, Malaysia telah menyaksikan tiga rusuhan ganas yang dipelopori oleh pemuda Umno yang cuba mengganggu-gugat keamanan yang dinikmati masyarakat berbilang kaum dan agama di negara ini.
Pada hari pertama, gerombolan perusuh Umno ini merempuh masuk ke Dewan Undangan Negeri Pulau Pinang, dan mencemarkan kemuliaan sebuah institusi yang mendapat mandat Yang di-Pertuan Agong dalam sebuah sistem demokrasi dengan raja berperlembagaan.
Pada hari kedua, gerombolan Umno juga telah berhimpun dan merusuh di ibu pejabat kebangsaan DAP di Kuala Lumpur. Ketua Pemuda Umno Wilayah Persekutuan, Mohd Razlan Mohd Rafii telah mengancam untuk membakar bangunan DAP. Papan tanda ibu pejabat parti dirosakkan, manakala petugas parti dan juga anggota polis dikasari. Kumpulan ini turut bertindak membakar patung wakil rakyat DAP.
Tidak berhenti di situ, walaupun telah ditegur oleh Ketua Pemuda Umno Khairy Jamaluddin, gerombolan Umno ini merusuh pula di pejabat DAP di Kuantan.
Pada hari ketiga, sekali lagi keganasan tercetus dan pintu pejabat ditendang dengan ganas sehingga bengkok manakala bangunan tersebut dihujani telur busuk.
Persoalan yang timbul kini ialah ke mana pula mereka akan bertindak tidak rasional dan ganas selepas ini? Adakah mereka akan merusuh di pejabat DAP Selangor, atau adakah mereka akan merusuh di Dun Selangor pula?
Melihat kepada trend serangan-serangan yang tidak diambil tindakan undang-undang ini, kita melihat kemungkinan bahawa kumpulan ini nampaknya mendapat lesen besar untuk mencetuskan kekecohan tanpa kemungkinan dikenakan apa-apa tindakan undang-undang.
Dengan ‘lesen’ besar ini, di manakah sasaran seterusnya untuk pemuda Umno untuk bertindak melakukan rusuhan ganas lagi?
Adakah pemimpin Umno, terutamanya presiden parti tersebut, Datuk Seri Najib Razak telah sama sekali gagal mengawal ahli-ahlinya? Atau adakah pimpinan Umno sememangnya mahu dan suka ahlinya bertindak seperti samseng?
Rakyat Malaysia resah dengan tindak-tanduk kumpulan yang merupakan anggota pelapis parti pemerintah. Kita pastinya tidak rela masa depan mereka ditadbir dan dikuasai sekumpulan samseng yang tidak rasional mahupun berakal waras.
Tidak ada tempat untuk keganasan di negara yang tercinta ini. Setelah tiga hari, tiga rusuhan, di tiga tempat berlainan; dengan tiada tindakan Perdana Menteri mesti campur tangan dan mengawal ahli-ahli partinya. Mereka yang bertanggungjawab mencetuskan keganasan ini mesti segera dihadapkan ke muka pengadilan, sebelum gerombolan ini bertindak menyerang sasaran mereka yang seterusnya.
Penulis ialah Ahli Parlimen Segambut.
Copyright © 2014 Harakah. Hak Cipta Terpelihara.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

DAP dan MCA buat laporan polis terhadap Isma

Ahli Parlimen Segambut Lim Lip Eng dalam kenyataannya berkata laporan yang dibuat itu bertujuan menggesa pihak polis untuk segera mengadakan siasatan kerana kenyataan itu jelas bakal menjejaskan perpaduan keharmonian diantara kaum. – Gambar The Malaysian Insider oleh Afif Abd Halim
Dua parti yang berasaskan Cina, DAP dan MCA membuat laporan polis hari ini susulan daripada kenyataan NGO Islam, Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (Isma) yang mendakwa kaum Cina penceroboh bersama penjajah British‎.
Ahli Parlimen Segambut Lim Lip Eng dalam kenyataannya berkata laporan yang dibuat itu bertujuan menggesa pihak polis untuk segera mengadakan siasatan kerana kenyataan itu jelas bakal menjejaskan perpaduan keharmonian diantara kaum.
"Hari ini kita hadir bersama dan kita membuat sebanyak 9 laporan daripada DAP, untuk pihak polis segera menyiasat dibawah Akta Hasutan, Suruhanjaya Komunikasi atau apa sahaja akta yang berkaitan," katanya pada pemberita di hadapan Balai Polis Dang Wangi hari ini.
Kata Ahli Parlimen itu beliau juga mendesak, pihak berkuasa untuk segera menyiasat siapakah sebenarnya yang menulis kenyataan itu adakah Presiden Abdullah Zaik Abdul Rahman atau pun sebaliknya.
Terdahulu‎, MCA yang diwakili Biro Undang-Undang Pemuda Eric Choo Wei Sern turut membuat laporan terhadap NGO Islam itu di balai polis yang sama,
"Ini merupakan perkara yang tidak patut berlaku menuduh kaum Cina sebagai penceroboh tanah Melayu.
"Pihak berkuasa tidak boleh membiarkan perkara ini berlaku, mereka harus segera bertindak, agar ia tidak menjadi kritikal lagi," katanya.
Pada masa sama Lim juga menegaskan ‎bahawa DAP selama ini mengiktiraf Perlembagaan Persekutuan iaitu meletakkan agama Islam sebagai agama rasmi negara.
"Laporan ini tidak bermaksud kita menentang orang Melayu, atau Islam tidak kerana kita cukup menghormati Perlembagaan Persekutuan," katanya.
Lim juga berharap agar pihak berkuasa kali ini dapat bertindak ke atas presiden NGO tersebut.
"Kita tahu ini bukan kali pertama NGO itu mengeluarkan kenyataan yang berkaitan dengan sensitiviti kaum dan bukan kali pertama pihak polis hanya berdiam diri akan hal ini.
"Kita ingin mendesak pihak polis kalau Ahli Parlimen Seputeh boleh didakwa kenapa tidak presiden tersebut yang secara jelas menghina kaum Cina," katanya.
Lim juga berkata, pemimpin termasuk pemuda DAP seluruh negara akan terus membuat laporan polis mengenai perkara ini.
"‎Pemuda DAP, dan ahli parlimen seluruh negeri akan membuat laporan polis hari ini seperti di Mantin, Negeri Sembilan, Sabah, Ipoh dan banyak lagi," katanya.
Susulan daripada kenyataan kontroversi itu, hari ini Ketua Polis Negara, Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar mengesahkan presiden Islam Abdullah Zaik disiasat mengikut Akta Hasutan susulan kenyataan dikeluarkannya berhubung kaum Cina yang dibawa ke Tanah Melayu adalah "penceroboh".
Khalid dalam satu kenyataannya berkata, Abdullah sedang disiasat berikutan kenyataannya itu.
Khalid  juga memberi amaran akan bertindak kepada mana-mana pihak yang cuba membuat kenyataan yang mengapikan permusuhan.
Semalam Abdullah Zaik dalam laman web rasmi Isma berkata, orang Cina yang datang ke Tanah Melayu adalah "penceroboh" dan mempersoalkan kerakyatan dan kekayaan yang diberikan kepada mereka tetapi tidak menyatakan bagaimana ia bercadang untuk membetulkan yang dikatakan salah ini.
"Siapa yang memberikan mereka kewarganegaraan dan kekayaan sehingga keputusan menceroboh mereka dilindungi sehingga hari ini?
"Ini semua perlakuan British, yang berada dalam kumpulan yang sama dengan China untuk menindas dan membuli orang Melayu," katanya dalam satu kenyataan, seperti yang dilaporkan di laman web kumpulan itu.
Abdullah berkata, ini adalah satu kesilapan yang terpaksa diperbetulkan tetapi beliau tidak mengatakan bagaimana.
"Tiada siapa yang mempunyai hak untuk menggadaikan kedaulatan Islam dan Melayu di atas tanah ini," katanya, semalam.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

DBKL: Trees felled were already dead

TREES that were felled in Taman Rimba Kiara recreational park in Kuala Lumpur on Monday were already dead, said the Kuala Lumpur City Hall’s (DBKL) Landscape and Recreational Department.
Its director Mustafa Mohd Nor said his staff went to the site on Wednesday to explain to the angry residents that the tree-felling activity was part of DBKL’s maintenance work and that the trees would be replaced.
“Dead trees are at risk of toppling and endangering the safety of park-goers,” he said.
Mustafa assured the residents that the area where the trees were felled was not earmarked for a future development project, as it was a gazetted recreational park.
“So there is nothing to worry about,” he added.
Mustafa said DBKL and the Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM) were doing their best to care for the trees.
“On April 28, a Canadian arborist invited by FRIM, conducted training for DBKL staff on arboriculture at the Perdana Botanical Garden.
“I have set a target of planting 30,000 trees in Kuala Lumpur by the end of the year.
“We are trying to make Kuala Lumpur greener, so we will not cut trees down unnecessarily,” he said.
Segambut MP Lim Lip Eng, who also voiced his concern on the issue, was not convinced that all the felled trees were dead.
“Although I am not an expert on trees, I can tell that the trees were not dead, judging by the healthy trunks, stumps and green leaves of the trees that were cut down.
“Anyway, the damage is done, so I hope DBKL will replant and rectify the damage soon,” he said.
Taman Tun Dr Ismail Residents Association secretary Margaret Lee hoped DBKL would inform them on all activities planned in the area.
“The residents are very concerned about the surroundings, so keeping us informed will prevent residents from worrying.
“We are happy that Taman Rimba Kiara is gazetted as a park and DBKL is putting effort into maintaining the greenery,” she said.
Malaysian Nature Society (MNS) vice-president Henry Goh said the Government should realise that ratepayers were not naive.
“Dissemination of good and bad news is now only a mouse-click away,” he said.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Trees felled at Kiara Park


TREE-felling activities in the Taman Rimba Kiara recreational park in Kuala Lumpur has sparked anger among residents.
Taman Tun Dr Ismail Resident Association secretary Margaret Lee said on Monday park-goers who witnessed trees being cut down had questioned the contractors, who answered that they were following orders from the Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL).
“When I contacted the Segambut DBKL for answers, the area manager Marwan Che Desa said the trees were old and diseased.
“Tens of trees have been chopped down unnecessarily. Even if the trees are old and diseased, DBKL should let nature take its course.
“There is no danger of trees falling onto properties or a threat to the peoples’ safety,” she said.
Malaysian Nature Society (MNS) vice-president Henry Goh said the trees in Taman Rimba Kiara were forest species and looked perfectly healthy with no visible signs of being infested with termite.
“The authorities must provide a good reason why so many trees were felled in a short time span. Further felling should be stopped,” he said.
Segambut MP Lim Lip Eng said the damage was done and wanted to know how DBKL was going to rectify it.
“Will the stumps remain here or be removed. Will the felled trees be replaced with new ones?” he asked.
British couple Alan Jeffrey and Sarah Carol, who are frequent visitors to Malaysia, expressed their disappointed with the action by the authorities.
“We own a property here and really enjoy the environment. This park is also home to beautiful birds like Brahminy Kite, Bee-eaters, Crested Serpent Eagles and even Hornbills.
“At the rate the trees are being felled in this area, where are the birds going to nest?
“Back in my country, we cannot even trim our trees without a permit, and if we do, we will be heavily fined,” Jeffrey said.
“We have been coming here for the past 20 years for the beauty of the natural surrounding. It is sad sight to see the destruction,” Carol said, adding that the problem was partly due to the bad weather.
Resident Ahmad Kamil Abdullah, who is a photographer, said the park was a beautiful spot for garden weddings.
“With more trees being chopped down, the scenery will definitely change. We have heard rumours of a development coming up here. I hope it is not true,” he said
Another resident Fiona Zuzartee said in 2000 the area was one of 152 locations in Malaysia that participated in the ‘Millennium Tree Planting’ project that entered The Malaysian Book of Records for successfully planting 110,461 trees in one minute.
“Hundreds of trees were planted. I am not sure if these were felled,” she said.
On the issue of installation of barbed wires at two locations close to a popular cycling trail in nearby Bukit Kiara, Lim said it had been dismantled.
The authorities at the National Landscape Department, he said, had explained to him that the barbed wires were a temporary measure until they resolved a boundary issue at the time.
“It is a waste of taxpayers’ money. Clearly the department has hired unproffesional contractors for the park,” Lim added.
DBKL could not be contacted at press time.

Over 50k throng anti-GST May Day rally

See story at:
Bukit Gantang YB Ustaz Idris Ahmad & I are part of the 25,000 peaceful but noisy protesters gather opposite Dataran Merdeka on May Day to rally against the Goods and Services Tax.