Monday, September 15, 2014

DAP: Printing exam papers abroad 'silly, wasteful'

The government's suggested solution to the fiasco of the leaked examination questions by printing the papers abroad is "silly and wasteful", said a parliamentarian.
"The case of the leak in UPSR examination questions has raised anger among many, especially the parents of this year's UPSR candidates.
"However, the suggestion to print the UPSR papers abroad, in this case in the UK, as reported in the media, is nothing but a silly and wasteful act," said DAP Segambut MP Lim Lip Eng.
 "If such suggestions can be considered, it is not surprising how the simple task of maintaining secrecy of examination questions cannot be executed," he said in a statement this morning.
On Friday, Education Minister Muhyiddin Yassin announced the suspension of the top heads of the Malaysian Examinations Syndicate (LPM) for the leaks.
Key issue
However, Lim said the key issue of the leak was not a matter of where it was printed.
Instead, what needed to be addressed is how it was leaked, who were involved and what were the motives.
Lim warned against using the examination leak as a means of creating new projects at the expense of taxpayer's monies.
"The integrity of public servants is the key issue in this matter, not where the examination papers are printed.
"If there is endemic untrustworthiness among public servants, it does not matter where the examination papers are printed, there will still be leaks," he said.
Lim urged tough action against those responsible for the leaks including charging them for criminal offences.
He added that merely sacking or suspending those responsible was insufficient.
Printing UPSR papers in UK does not address the issue of leakage, says DAP

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